A Time to Celebrate

 A Time to Celebrate

By Pastor John Dawson

This year marks a significant milestone in the life of our church. Abingdon Presbyterian Church has been ministering here for 50 years. Its founding pastor was Edsel Farthing. His ministry was followed by Tom Holliday, Bruce Sinclair, Bill Leuzinger, and myself. There have been many officers (elders and deacons) who have served as well. All of those the Lord has called to be part of this congregation have been part of the ministry of the body of Christ here.

            There have been many changes. Often, we think first of things like changes in status (from mission to particular church), changes in buildings, or changes in personnel. But there have also been changes in culture, changes in opportunities, and changes in our neighborhood. Some of the changes have been exciting and welcome. Others have been harder. Looking back on 50 years, we should reflect on both. It is always more fun to remember the blessings, the positive events. Those are the things that people feel most comfortable remembering. They are the things that fill the annual Christmas letters attached to the Christmas cards. But the difficult times are not to be swept under the rug. Remembering them gives us wisdom in how to deal with similar situations in the future. They are occasions to recognize when we have done wrong and repent.

In all occasions, remember that we are not alone. We exist as a congregation because of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is with us in all of our days and years, in all of the positive and negative, in all of the ups and downs. God’s presence gives us the proper perspective to understand all the events we see when we look back. God has promised to work for the good in everything for those who love Jesus and are called according to his purposes.

            There are some who have been part of the church since the beginning. There are others who have only recently been drawn to worship and serve the Lord together here with us. I have been here nearly 15 years. In some ways, I feel as though I have just arrived. And yet, this is truly my home. What are some thoughts you have had over the time you have been a part of APC?

            An anniversary of 50 years is a time to look back, but it is also a time to look forward. We do not know that the Lord has in store for us. We do not know who the Lord will call to be part of his flock here in the future. We do not know if the Lord will grant this congregation another 50 years. There are two things we can do to be used by the Lord for his purposes in the future. First is to consider how we respond to the challenges we have right now. We must keep the main things front and center. We are guided by God’s holy Word in our preaching, teaching, and actions. We hold forth the gospel of grace and actively invite others to embrace Christ as he is revealed in the gospel. We are to embody the love of Christ with each other and others that God brings into our life. In short, we are to be the body of Christ in this place.

            The second thing we must do is pray. We can pray for the Lord’s leading and blessing now. We can also pray for those yet to come. Pray for the next pastor. Pray for the next elder and deacon. Pray for the generation that is rising and the one that is to come. This is our congregation, but we are only the present caretakers. Those who came before passed the torch to us. We live in their legacy. We should be mindful of the legacy we leave to those who come after us.

            We also fit into the universal and eternal tapestry of the Church of Jesus Christ. We will spend eternity together with all the saints. Many have influenced our lives. We will have influenced the lives of others. All of us have been redeemed by Christ and remolded in his image, that he may be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. That is really something to celebrate.


Pastor John


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